Giving At Grace
We are a community passionate about knowing Jesus and making him known. We realise that God has given and continues to give to us in many ways, most supremely in the grace and salvation found in the Lord Jesus (2 Cor 8:9). It is in light of the grace that God gives, that we are compelled to give.
If you have any questions please email the treasurer at
Ways to give
1. Payroll Giving
If you’re employed then giving via payroll, often call Give As You Earn, is the most cost-effective way. Gift aid is added straight away and employers usually cover the admin fees. Some employers will also match your donations.
2. Stewardship
You can give on an ongoing basis via Stewardship, who will also top up your giving with Gift Aid, if you're eligible. Alternatively you can make one-off gifts via
Note: there is a processing fee for this
3. Direct TRANSFER
If you need to pay church for anything then you can transfer the money online using the account details below. Please don’t use this to give to the church as we aren’t able to claim gift aid for money we receive directly.
Sort code: 40-17-10
Account number: 12317583
Reference: include your name and a description of what the money is for
Principles of giving
As a church family we all contribute in many ways to the life of the church, including financial giving. We encourage everyone who is a regular member of Grace Church to prayerfully give in this way, using the biblical principles summarised below.
Everything we own belongs to God. (Ps 24:1). It is his and he lavishly gives gifts to whomever he wishes. The Bible commands Christians to be wise stewards of the things they have been given. (1 Pet 4:10).
Giving should be in proportion to one’s means (2 Cor 8:11-12), but the Bible specifies no minimum or maximum amount. A person should only choose to give “what he has decided in his heart to give” (2 Cor 9:7).
The Bible exemplifies both lavish sacrifice (Mt 26:6-11) and joyful giving (Lk 21:1-4) – these aspects mirror how the Lord Jesus gave up his life for the salvation of those who trust in him. (Eph 5:2 and Heb 12:2).
Giving should be regular and should be set aside for that purpose (1 Cor 16:1-2).
It is right that we provide for those people whose work directly assists in the proclamation of the gospel, lest we prevent them from carrying out that work effectively. (1 Cor 9:9-14). This includes those with whom we are partners in the gospel, as well as the local church. (Phil 4:15-19).
The Bible reassures all Christians that “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Cor 9:8)
There are many other great resources to help you think biblical about giving. The Grace of Giving sets out the core Biblical principles for giving in just a few pages and Stewardship provides other resources on money.​