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Church isn’t a building; it’s a family of people who believe in Jesus. At Grace Church, we are a growing family of around 70 adults and 50 children, at many different ages and stages.

Group groups

Grace Groups are the place to get to know a few people better, to care for each other, to study and apply the Bible passage that has been taught on Sunday, and pray together. We normally meet in homes, one evening a week – with different groups that meet on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Pick an evening that suits you!


Get in touch if you want to know more.


Children & Teenagers

All our children and youth – “Grace Kids” – have fun and interactive Bible teaching during the Sunday meeting each week. Pre-school children have simple Bible stories and concepts taught on a rolling 2-year programme. We run a regular mid-week Youth Group for those of Secondary School age, as well as Grace Tots for under 5s (and their parents!)

Men & Women

Men at Grace Church gather together in many different ways to encourage one another – social and sporting evenings, breakfasts, local annual Men’s Conventions.


Women also gather together in a variety of different ways, including breakfasts and local conventions. We also have weekly women’s bible studies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings during term time, and a monthly discipleship and equipping group for women called Dwell.


We run marriage preparation, marriage refresher, and parenting courses.


Students & Young professionals

If  you are in your 20s/30s, perhaps at University or College, we have plenty of opportunities to be encouraged and equipped in your Christian life, including enjoying hospitality and social activities, as well as opportunities to serve on a Sunday and to meet with older Christians to help you develop as a disciple of Jesus.


We have good links with the University of Gloucestershire Christian Union and UCCF.

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